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Wishful thinking. This project is years away. But one can dream: a self-hosting, Wasm-targetting (thus Wasm-implemented) compiler could be distributed entirely via CDN and run in-browser, producing programs that run in-browser. Or the entire compiler could run "serverless", serving binary responses to Scheme-coded requests, Or, everything could just be compiled to native, etc.

Intro to Lisp

If you don't know anything about Lisp, there's still nothing better than the wizard book, which takes a light-hearted approach, starts at square one, and is designed to blow your mind. Those who prefer dry brevity should read the entire language report. Yes, this is Scheme, not Common Lisp. The rest of this "intro" assumes you already know the basics of Lisp.

It's not about lists

Lisp means "List Processor". This is deceiving.

The pair may be the simplest form of linked list, consisting of just a value (the car) and a 'next'-pointer (the cdr), but I find it better to think of it as a node in a spaghetti stack — something you can push and pop like a stack, but that splits like a tree. This data structure gently nudges you to implement things recursively / concurrently.

(define (sick-example))
#!sweet  ;

define sick-example()

It may seem contrived, but the syntax encourages good practice by compelling you to break down functions and expressions into their essential pieces, and compose them together. TODO: Elaborate.

More than one type of tree

The spaghetti stack interpretation is one way of making trees out of Lisp's lists, and using them to guide natural implementations of recursive and concurrent algorithms. But, there's another way to interpret these lists as trees: syntax trees. We'll use this interpretation to make a hand-wavy argument about why lisp macros are so cool.

Parsing the abstract syntax tree (AST) from source code is the first job of any compiler. This is the form in which it's considered convenient to transform and inspect code. Consider how you might visualize an AST for this function:

;;* A basic example of a function definition.

;; Syntactically, `(f x y)` here is a function call. However,
;; when a function "call" appears as the L-value in a definition syntax like this,
;; it means the function is being defined rather than invoked.
;; It's actually just shorthand for `(define f (lambda (x y) ...))`.
(define (f x y)
  (if (< x y)
      (display "Under!")
      (- y x))
    (+ x 5)))

Notice how there's a simple mapping between the AST structure and the source code itself:

  • Each AST leaf maps to an atom, like the variable x or the string "Under!".
  • Each subtree has either a function call or syntax (either built-in e.g. define, if, begin; or macros). at the root.

The distinction between function and syntax is unimportant here because both are written as s-expressions. The car is the parent node in the AST, and the cdr is the list of child nodes (each of which could also be a subtree). Whereas the spaghetti stack tree interpretation had children pointing to their parent, this interpretation has parents pointing to their (list of) children. Lisp source code is essentially already in syntax tree form when you write it!

Not only does this make parsing somewhat simpler for Lisp compilers, it means that Lisp source code is naturally in a form that is relatively easy to transform and analyze programmatically. This is what opens the door to metaprogramming in the form of both the macro system as well as the even more powerful evaluation mechanism. This is Lisp's iconic homoiconicity, the property that data and code share a representation, but often that representation is better thought of in terms of trees than lists.

List Processor oversimplifies.